In Dunany, Prayers for a Troubled World

Sunday, July 17, at Pierrette (Gloven)  and Michel’s (Charlebois) place on Clear Lake where many in Dunany gathered for an outdoor service to pray for peace in this turbulent world under the guidance of Rev. Nicholas Pang and Wendy Crooks.

There was Mountain Steam and Bob Hay with ballads and gospels.

Mountain steam at Beach services 2016

And the Glee Club ably conducted by Cathy Ashley.

Gleee Club au Sservice champêtre 2016

There we were amongst friends, happy to be in Dunany but worried about recent events in our very troubled world.

Thanks to all those who made this possible: our hosts Pierrette and Michel, Rev. Nicholas Pang of the Parish of the Lower Laurentians, St. Paul’s of Dunany, Mountain Steam, the Glee Club and especially Rob Percy who takes care of the infrastructure.



2 thoughts on “In Dunany, Prayers for a Troubled World

  1. Lynn Palmer

    Great event! Super pictures! Thanks to everyone for making this special for all.