Eurasian Watermilfoil

This exotic and very invasive plant –   Eurasian Watermilfoil – has already spoiled more than 40 lakes in the Laurentians alone.

This is what the plant looks like:

Fortunately, there is none in Argenteuil. None in our lakes.

And below, this is what a lake with Eurasian Watermilfoil looks like:

We absolutely must protect ourselves against this.

It is now our biggest threat!

So, this summer, make sure that the boats brought in by renters and friends – and yours if it is used in a foreign lake – are thoroughly washed before they navigate your lake.

Same applies to paddles, fishing gear, electric motors.

Here is how to proceed. Follow these four steps: inspect – drain – clean – dry

Inspection is the most important. If you look carefully, you will probably locate exotic plants or molluscs. Drain to make sure there is no leftover water at the bottom of your kayak, for example. Clean with fresh water and a bit of bleach. Finally, let dry in the sun.

All this should be done at a good distance from the lake.

If you wish to know more about this plant,  this  Guide  will prove helpfull


You can also watch this excellent video from CRE Laurentides (en français) to find out how to identify it.

8 thoughts on “Eurasian Watermilfoil

  1. Raymond T Le

    We always aappreciate all the info you impart. Thank you so much.
    Ray and Lynn Lee

  2. Shirley Osterman

    Can you suggest what “a good distance from the lake” might be?


    You are very wise to send out this warning Jacques Pigeon. It would be disaster if our lakes were invaded. Thank you for posting. I am wondering if there are some lake property owners who are not in DCA and will not receive this information. Should there be a door to door delivery with explanation to be sure that everyone gets the message ? Have the municipalities taken any steps to sound an alarm ?

  4. Jacques Pigeon Post author

    Yes, Lois, both the MRC and the municipalities have plans under way to reach all. As a matter of fact, the MRC is leading the charge with the support of the Laurentian Environment Council which has developed an arsenal of tolls to reach all: Guides, posters, billboards, you name it. I use their material and see my initiative as a complement to their effort and will have some material at our next AGM.I habve also initiated a process to make sure that I have names adresses and emails of all Dunany residents.Thanks for your support.

  5. Rob Reichelt

    Why does Wentworth have bylaws, a boat washing station and a protocol to protect Lake Louisa from invasive aquatic plants but not for the other lakes in the municipality???

  6. Jacques Pigeon Post author

    Because it has public access points and foreign motor boats which have many moving parts and are thus much more likely to bring in the invasive plants and molluscs. We do not have neither public access points on our lakes nor motor boats.
    By the way, there is a good deal of Eurasian Watermilfoil around the marina in Browsburg-Chatham on the Ottawa river.

  7. Carol Hanna Wight

    The access to Lake Louisa is not a public access, but a municipal access. Wentworth citizens must give a deposit of $300 for a key to access one day. The gate is always locked and boats must be washed.

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