A Merry Christmas and a great 2016 from the DCA

Many of you, especially those who reside permanently in Dunany,  will attend one the two Christmas Eve Services (4 and 8 PM) at St. Paul’s where they will have the opportunity to exchange seasons wishes with friends and family.

These Christmas Eve Services are always standing room only as they are deeply embedded in the Dunany culture. They are a great opportunity to fraternize and demonstrate the vitality of our community spirit.


[pe2-image src=”http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2TwuehKpL0g/UrdcwKcIYRI/AAAAAAAAGPg/b66iJSJgp-E/s144-c-o/IMG_00000761-SNOW.png” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/116669546391099247746/22122013#5960334614353961234″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_00000761-SNOW.gif” ]


It is in that spirit that the Board members of your associations – John, Robert, Nancy, Cheryl, Bonnie, Maurice, Benoit, Lois and Jacques – extend to all of you, no matter where you are,  their warmest wishes for a memorable Christmas and a great 2016 filled with peace and serenity.

4 thoughts on “A Merry Christmas and a great 2016 from the DCA

  1. maryse demers

    such a nice touch!!!! at least Xmas will be white…on the Website!!!

  2. Claudette Hay

    What a complete letter, full of information about our community. Loved the photos, the translation and especially the photo of St. Paul’s. I wish I could import the photo & use it as this year’s card. Very nice work. Thank you.
    Merry Christmas

  3. Sandra Laroche

    Such a beautiful and peaceful winter scene.
    I am very touched and so wish I could be there to sing the Carols with you all.
    Thanks also to Wendy for her enthusiastic spiritual leadership.
    Happy Holidys to everyone.

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